This is a message from a friend to a friend for a friend to be a friend so that a friend remains a friend of a friend who is a friend forever
Distances are not a matter, when memories are sweet. Special people are never forgotten alive as a Heart beat
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Live By Faith & Not by sight,,, SO whether I see U or not , talk to u or not , I know that u r still the same, a friend worth keeping till the end.
Don't get fear for facing failure in the first attempt... because even the successful mathematics starts with ' Zero' ...
We like ourself even after doing many mistake. Then how can we hate other for their one single mistake. Seems strange but true, think before u hate someone
Every little smile can touch somebody's heart. May u ind hundreds of reasons to smile today. May u be the the reason 4 someone else to smile always...
The best medicine in the world without side effect is a smiling face. I will pray that medicine must be always with u